Whether one believes in the historical truths found in the Bible, its teachings have captivated the hearts of many. With Biblical texts’ prominence in culture today, an individual must take a stance on how they view the text, asking questions. Have many of its truths have fallen out of culture? Is it even possible to still grasp many of the stories written more than a millennium and a half ago?

To those who the Bible upsets and stirs questioning and complicated emotions, I think that is purposeful. The text is quite absolute and definite in many of its statements. Truly, it is natural to be taken aback and require further thought on some of the passages, even for those who consider themselves highly religious or spiritual.

If you find yourself getting offended or angry at the religion or spiritual nature of what you are reading, you are probably reading it with the wrong mindset.

It is astounding how many people think that only Christians can read the Bible. From hearing the thoughts of a few students just in some of my classes, it is without question that the Bible is still able to bestow a sense of peace and knowledge of practical philosophy for the way one can treat people, not only to those who consider themselves Christian, but to people who identify with another or no religion.

One does not have to be religious or Christian to necessarily agree with some of the tendencies and teachings in its contents, including loving others, feeling connected with oneself and the spiritual world, and avoiding the rebuke of others and engaging in arguments.

Whether or not you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead for your sins, I advise starting to simply read the Bible for truth and applicable meaning to one’s own life.

One of my closest friends, a Buddhist, has greatly inspired me in his ability to find practical learnings in a variety of religions he has studied and taken upon himself to study. Fundamentally, treating people with respect and love is not just a Biblical teaching, but from reading the Bible, you may be able to find solace and a desire to do so previously unfounded by your own practices or methods.

The Bible is a great tool for those who wish to believe its contents as well as those who desire to find practical truths they can apply into their own life possibly without believing in its full authenticity or accuracy. The Bible’s philosophy and application does not fall short in importance at all. In truth, much of the guidance and discipline it provides can still be practical, not only to Christians, but to all people today.