Should America invest into women’s football on a national level?

I’ve heard many lame excuses why women’s football isn’t possible. The usual point made surrounds the female physique. Women are usually smaller and more susceptible to injury, so female bodies lack the projected interest among those who like watching or playing sports. Already women’s sports are viewed less than men’s games, and female athletes tend to make significantly less to their male counterparts playing the same sport.

It is inherently positive for people, regardless of sex, to have the opportunity to partake in whatever passion they want, despite that activity being predominantly popular for just one gender.

One example of female representation not previously popularized, and looked down upon by many, was the creation of female superheroes. In comparison to now, not many people would ever state that making movies such as “Wonder Woman” and the upcoming, well-awaited “Captain Marvel” are ridiculous and going to be unpopular, but a lot of individuals before this craze were degrading female superheroes because of this exact point: Female superheroes were going to be vastly inferior to male-superhero movies.

It is sad to say that The Legend’s Football League, previously branded as Lingerie Football League, is the strongest attempt within the last twenty years at providing women a chance to play football while also captivating a large audience. The sheer fact that the female football players are required to wear bras and underwear is ridiculous enough to incite some feeling and feminist uproar of needing women’s football at an equally dignified level next to the National Football League.

News stories break on young girls playing on the boy’s football teams from elementary to high school levels. The perspective is that these women are making strides — they’re strong, brave and fighting for equality. These stories are positive and should be told, and with the public attention drawn to female players in a male-dominant sport, the stories show young girls do take an interest in what was once considered male-privilege.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law prohibiting gender discrimination in educational activities and athletic programs at institutions that receive federal funds. Because of Title IX, public schools had to provide equal opportunity sport teams for both men and women. What was once male-only was changed and open to all genders — all but a women’s football team. By creating a culture and environment today where we make everyone feel more welcome and support equal opportunity, funding female football teams could be a great step in gender equality in sports.

I think much of society would be surprised at how many women and viewers would be ecstatic in having more representation in an activity that a good number are probably hesitant to voice. Just as many girls are beginning to dress up as Wonder Woman and other female superheroes for Halloween, it would be amazing to see girls beginning to dress up as professional women’s NFL players.