“I have the car and he doesn’t” is the only justification I can think of.
At least, at the time, it seemed logical enough. Who’s to say I didn’t do the right thing? That old raggedy man could have been a serial killer. He was probably molesting little children.
Now, my friends say that hitting him wasn’t so bad, but for some reason, they think that backing over him wasn’t right. He was probably in pain and I didn’t want him to suffer.
My only regret is that the car stalled half way over him, but it only took me three or four minutes to start it back up, and then I finished the job. That really is an important thing – finishing. Parents and teachers, tell me “Finish what you started.”
The look on his face was sort of comical. I think he was trying to wash my windshield, because he ran out in the road. I had to swerve to miss the squirrel, didn’t I? So, technically, I didn’t veer into him.
My car was pretty dirty, and maybe subconsciously I just needed a really good reason to wash it. But, God, I didn’t realize how hard it is to pull crusty-bum hair out from behind a grill. It probably took me five minutes just to get the lower scalp.
So, maybe, lets just assume that I knew what I was doing, and we can also pretend that “there was never a squirrel.” But I have a job, and go to school. So, I am a contributing member of society.
He was just a bum, and he would always be that way. He never did anything except beg for change, and then go out and buy liquor with it.
All of these delinquents chose to be bums, and no outside circumstances have affected them. They could get a job if they wanted one, instead of living on welfare, because we all know that welfare is just for people that aren’t contributing members of society. And, eventually all of these people will go to hell.
Hello . I’m the Devil’s advocate. Don’t believe everything you hear. There are too many hatemongers in our media today. People who marginalize and stereotype those with unavoidable problems by saying that they are a social fungus because they haven’t been well educated or they don’t make a certain amount of money a year.
So, don’t spew hatred at me. Don’t repeat, verbatim, what some right-wing idiot has said, simply because he/she has never been on welfare or been shell-shocked or understood how dignity draining and humbling it is to plead with someone for spare change.
Try it and you will see. I urge everyone to stand on a street corner and beg for one day. Then, tell me how much money you got, and how fun it was and see what you start saying about “those damn bums.”
