ETSU will once again host the National Storytelling Youth Olympics on Saturday at 7 p.m. in the Culp Center Auditorium.
Literally thousands of students across the nation have worked since the contest last year honing their skills in hopes of becoming regional finalists, thus earning the opportunity to be eligible for the national event.
Although competition is involved, the underlying intent is to provide students with a reason to practice numerous noncompetitive communication skills.
Any storyteller under age 18 is qualified to enter. Fifteen state winners from coast to coast have been selected to perform for the April finalists at ETSU.
Admission is $5 for the general public and $3 for senior citizens or students. ETSU students with a valid ID are admitted at no charge because of funding from SGA. This event is sponsored by the ETSU master’s degree program in storytelling and reading.
For more information, call the ETSU storytelling office at 439-7836.
