The Student Governement Association began Tuesday’s business with five guest speakers. They were Gregory Wilgocki, associate dean and vice president for finance and administration for the College of Medicine; David Collins, associate vice president for business and finance; Charles Gregg, director of health and safety; Bill Rasnake, associate vice president for physical plant; and Kathy Kelly, director of purchasing.
In an open forum format, all five speakers answered Senate questions, highlighting some important topics, such as parking concerns.
“Parking is always an issue, but the (topic) is where you can park. We have run out of room to build new parking … and in order to build a parking garage, there would (have to) be a dramatic increase in the parking fee,” said Collins.
Another issue brought up was the lighting deficiency around campus. Vice President Jennifer Berry highlighted one particular area around Sam Wilson Hall that lacked sufficient lighting. It was explained that most lighting problems occurred do to burnt-out bulbs and the growth of bushes and trees that block light.
Also, Secretary of Public Relations Leslee Philips broached the issue of the pipe construction around campus and how it was affecting students. Her principle concern was why the construction was not done over the summer.
“We try to schedule things when people aren’t here,” Rasnick said. The delay came from a delay in the pipe’s delivery.”
After the open forum, the Senate moved on to debate the issue of the ETSU “Giving Campaign.” The campaign will allow the SGA to raise and donate money to charity.
Berry stressed the need to donate money to local charities, which have been hard hit since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Since so much money has been donated to the disaster relief in New York, many local charities have had less money available to them.
In other business, SGA appointed Senator Amanda Howard to head the Suggestions & Grievances Committee.
This committee is responsible for exploring student problems and making recommendations to the Senate on how these problems may be solved.
The final issue brought up by Berry concerned a need to develop guidelines for the Junior Senator program. This program takes first-semester freshmen interested in SGA, and pairs them with older senators who is responsible for mentoring them. At the end of the program, junior senators are eligible for selections.
