Though winter weather left the campus white last week, January at the Slocumb Galleries is bright with the colorful works of renowned British artist Peter Suchin.
The art show, which began Jan. 7 and is scheduled to run through Jan. 25, focuses on Suchin’s abstract, nonrepresentational images executed in acrylic on board.
Suchin stated that his paintings come from a “dialogue” between himself and the surface in front of him.
“His paintings do not represent any specific subject marks,” said Alison Pack, director of Slocumb Galleries. “They are very colorful, with brush marks, dots, dashes, lines, scratches and drips. His paintings are all beautiful and pleasing to view.”
Suchin has lectured at such schools as Manchester Metro-politan University, the University of St. Andrews, and the York College of Art and Technology.
In addition, he has given talks and symposia at Dun Laoghaire Institute in Ireland, the University of Oxford, and the Art Historians’ Conference in Newcastle.
He has also made contributions to such books as Reading Karl Marx, Animal, Anima, Animus, and The Art Strike Handbook.
Pack met Suchin in London two summers ago and was impressed with his knowledge of contemporary art history.
“He is a painter, writer, historian, critic and philosopher,” she said. “This is a great chance for students to meet him since he lives in one of the art centers of the world and is surrounded by famous artists.
“It’s really a hands-on opportunity to see the things we’ve only read about.”
The show opened on Jan. 9 with a talk by Suchin and a reception afterwards.
Suchin will offer a formal lecture of his artwork today at 5 p.m.
Other special events focusing around the show include a public debate on Wednesday, Jan. 16 at 6 p.m., which will discuss the state of contemporary British art and will feature Suchin and Dr. Scott Koterbay, a contemporary art historian.
Also, an interactive symposium entitled “Surviving in the Art World” will take place on Jan. 18. These events will be held in Room 127 of Ball Hall.
Slocumb Galleries are open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Suchin’s art show is sponsored by Student Government 606 Committee in conjunction with the Art Students League.
For more information on these or other upcoming events, please contact Slocumb Galleries at 439-5315.
