Who remembers last semester in every building, every bathroom, all those “Things you need to know while you go” flyers hung up? Ladies, I’m not sure if they were in your bathrooms but all the guys know what I’m talking about. The art and English buildings’ bathrooms were practically wallpapered with these prints. Well, the other day I was in the Culp Center and I walked in the bathroom and there he was. The culprit sat with tape and flyer in hand, a recently printed out stack of his message, which is .
Something you need to know while you go .
“Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.'” – John 14:6
And then there is another passage about being saved. I looked at the guy, this St. Urinal in his blaze orange UT shirt and laughed, it was all I could do. First, I would like to remind him that it is against school rules and school policy to hang items up both in the Culp Center and in other buildings without approval. Second, the mass amounts of paper that St. Urinal is hanging up comes from trees that are more original and more wise than generic tunes hung up between commodes. Third, I will never walk into a bathroom, look up at some piece of paper that some far-from-clever, amateur, Gameboy-playing theologian put beside a public toilet and it’s one-ply t.p. and realize that Jesus is my lord and my salvation while taking a corn-doody that could gag a hyena. I got a feeling Jesus wouldn’t like that anyway.
To you St. Urinal, I suggest that you buy the idiot’s guide to wit because being clever is not working out for you. If you want to do something go work at a soup kitchen, go rescue abused ponies, go work in an elderly home, go do something worth a crap because when I pull your flyer down, fold it in two, and wipe my ass with it, know that your little leaflet it isn’t worth the crap that is flushed down the toilet with. There is a time and a place for everything.
Although I do understand you are expressing yourself and your beliefs man, come on, choose a better forum than in between a couple of standing urinals.
Pick a place that at least doesn’t stink.
That is all I have to say about that.
