I am sick of hearing about John Walker’s rights. I am sick of hearing his mother and lawyer complain that he wasn’t given counsel immediately after being apprehended. I am sick of hearing about the rights of Al-Qaeda detainees in Guantanamo Bay.
Let’s start with Walker, the American Taliban fighter. First of all, I am no die-hard crazy American pride kind of guy. I love my country, but I also know and do not deny its faults and wrongdoings.
But, this crap about Walker and his rights is blowing my mind.
I simply don’t care about him. I am not amazed that one of our own would join the enemy’s fight. Treason goes on every day, frequently by our most trusted. He chose to do something and now he must face the realities and the consequences of his actions.
First, it was all this crying about how he didn’t have a lawyer.
He was captured in battle in the middle of Afghanistan and then held on a carrier off the coast of Yemen while his mommy whined that we should send him back to the States at once.
Forget the war, what we really needed to concentrate on is sending some flower child who fell in love with an AK-47 and the idea of killing American soldiers back to San Francisco.
I like what Rumsfield said at a news conference a couple of months ago, “Well, if his lawyer wants to go over there, that’s fine. But we will send Mr. Walker home at our convenience.”
Now the frequent rebuttal to that was that Walker is still an American citizen and is guaranteed a fair trial and that he still should be afforded all the rights of a citizen of the United States no matter what crime he has committed.
Sure, American citizens have specific rights, but is Walker still an American citizen?
On Page 4 of your passport, in the section While In The Foreign Country it states: “LOSS OF U.S. CITIZENSHIP – Under certain circumstances, you may lose your U.S. Citizenship by performing, voluntarily and with the intention to relinquish citizenship, any of the following . 2) taking an oath or making a declaration to a foreign state; 3) serving in the armed forces of a foreign state .”
So, why should Walker have any more rights than those held at the detention center in Cuba? He shouldn’t, he should be stripped of every liberty he once had.
We have done horrible things in the past during war time – such as rounding up innocent German- and Japanese-American citizens and putting them in concentration camps, but this is not what is happening here.
He is not innocent and those who fell under Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066 during WW II were American citizens, unlike Walker.
Those innocent Germans and Japanese should have been afforded their rights, not Walker.
I wish we spent as much time seeking out those who abuse Arab-Americans and Muslims. Ashcroft should be rounding up the rednecks who want to yell and punch and shoot our real citizens instead; we all should.
Screw John Walker, I don’t feel like talking about him anymore, send his ass down to Cuba.
Speaking of Cuba, leave it to the Red Cross to put money and worry in places less needed. Apparently they are worried about inhumane living conditions at Camp X-Ray, in Cuba.
These guys are suicide bombers! Living conditions period are inhumane!
Instead of worrying about whether or not the couple of hundred detainees have foam egg crates under their sleeping mats and a choice between sugar and Nutrasweet with their tea, shouldn’t the Red Cross be busting their butts to feed the millions of starving children in Afghanistan?
What I would say to Walker is: Although those men sit around Cuba with more hatred than I can fathom and a will to kill me at any chance they get, at least they are brave, they will not compromise their beliefs however skewed they are. You said you would die for what you believed in, but instead ran home to your momma and now cry about how you should be protected.
Would you have cared if I told you how you should have protected the ones you fired upon? I think not and find you both a wimp and a coward, or did they tell you that if martyrs get in trouble they should get their mommy to get them a really good lawyer and cry in front of TV cameras?
