The Student Government Association Senate met this Tuesday, but failed to achieve quorum. According to SGA law, no business can be transacted without a quorum.
Consequently, the Senate’s only actions were to hear from guest speaker Chris Arthur, who is the assistant director of Aramark on campus, and make a few announcements.
In his remarks, Arthur spoke about what he has implemented since coming to ETSU less than a year ago, as well as what he wishes to accomplish in the near future.
Among the things he listed as Aramark’s accomplishments since his arrival here included the creation of the Java City in the Cave, expanding hours for the Atrium by extending operation from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., opening both sides of Main Meal at night, and better regulation of the menu in Main Meal.
He also cited his continuing commitment to improving food service on campus.
“My driving goal is to get the word out to the students … I take a lot of pride in what I do here, (and) I’m trying to look at what the students want or need,” said Arthur.
He went on to explain that while many prices are beyond Aramark’s control, he hopes to also reduce some prices in the Buc Mart.
“You can get a two liter of Coke at Wal-Mart for $1.18; we pay $1.19 for it,” Arthur said.
His other ideas include a late-night dinner at Main Meal, and a theme night.
After his remarks, David Lane, senate review committee chairman, announced the expulsion from the Senate of two senators for having too many absences. The suspension of a term for absences is defined as being automatic in the SGA Constitution.
Thus, it requires no vote.
Senator James Heck, legislative committee chair-man, stated that the Senate was going to have to be more selective in who it lets through the selections process.
He highlighted the fact that many of the Senators brought in through selections last semester have not attended meetings regularly.
After a few more brief announcements, the Senate adjourned for the day, leaving without considering two pieces of legislation.
