To the editor,I am writing this letter in response to Mr. Kinser’s “Ode to St. Urinal.”
I myself am not an overly religious person (although I believe in God and attend church irregularly) and do not respond well to the well-meaning attempts to “save” my soul. I do, however, respect the religion and faith of those around me.
I understand that you object to having these flyers posted, but why attack this person who was trying to bring a small, inspirational lift to people? Your comment “when I pull your flyer down, fold it in two, and wipe my ass with it” was rather vulgar and seemed quite unnecessary to your point. Perhaps, you should have discussed the point that you avoided so completely, why is this so disturbing to you?
I hardly think it was necessary to insult a person who wanted to bring a smile to people’s faces with such juvenile names as “St. Urinal.” If you want to express your thoughts on such matters, then please do, but next time please keep to the facts and leave out your “far-from-clever, amateur” insults.

Leslie Valley
