The Learning Empowerment for Academic Performance, or LEAP Program, offers to enhance students’ ability to overcome academic barriers for academic success.
“We provide the support and teach the student to support themselves,” Anita Crock, a coordinator of the LEAP Program said.
The LEAP Program was devised in 1996 to serve ETSU students and clients of the Tennessee Department of Human Services division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services who are diagnosed with Learning Disabilities and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
The program also offers tutoring for the students with disabilities. Anita Crock coordinates matching tutors with students who participate in the program. She said that in order to be a tutor, one must have previously taken the course and received an A or B, and have an overall GPA of 2.75.
The Tennessee Department of Human Services division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services decides which students qualify to be in the LEAP Program.
They distinguish whether the student fits into one of the two distinct groups, Learning Disabilities or ADHD. Then, the program provides the funding for the LEAP Program.
Crock explained that Learning disabilities affect how each person processes information, and may affect adults throughout their entire lifetime. They are challenged with listening, reading, writing and speaking. Learning disabilities often cause people to struggle with self-esteem, and could also cause depression.
ADHD is a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsiveness that continues on a day-to-day basis. These patterns are obvious by the age of 7 Crock said.
Crock said that there are many services provided for LEAP Program students, such as weekly workshops for academic and career issues, basic skills training, money management and exam preparation. The program offers to assist in any way they can to help the students.
“We provide the support and teach the student to support themselves,” Crock said.
Call 439-8494 for more information regarding the LEAP Program.
