Yesterday’s Winter Cruise gave ETSU students a little taste of the madness, magic and mayhem that is New York City.
As hundreds of students poured into the decked-out Culp Center, they were greeted on all sides by tables and organizational booths decorated with red, white and blue stars, stripes and balloons in honor of the Big Apple.
The theme of this year’s event, New York, N.Y., was especially timely and appropriate in light of the Sept. 11 tragedy.
“It was something we could all put our energies into, and, at the same time, remember (Sept. 11), said Bleu Copas, a university advisement counselor who came up with this year’s theme. “So it’s something fun, but something with a purpose.”
In a manner true to the spirit of the “city that never sleeps,” students had the opportunity to engage in a blur of activities, which included face-painting, drawings, eating free food samples and gathering information about campus resources and student organizations.
The Center for Student Life and Leadership offered students a particularly “hands-on” activity in which students dipped palms and phalanges into wax to permanently mold their hard-working hands.
RHA gave novice singers the opportunity to hone their vocal prowess with a CD-making event, while the service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega sponsored a “fun station” where students could blow bubbles and hula hoop among other things.
“It is so much fun,” said Sophomore Heather Crum. “It’s relieved a lot of stress for me.”
Like the Winter Cruises of years past, there was a veritable mountain of giveaways as groups handed out candy, stickers, pencils, T-shirts, buttons and plastic hats.
As one of the goals of this event, a variety of organizations had the opportunity to promote their services.
Campus resources such as the Student Health Clinic and the Office of Financial Aid along with dozens of Greek, academic, campus ministries and service-oriented student organizations set up booths to recruit and spark interest.
“Murry” Andrews, a financial aid counselor, said she was pleased to be involved in Winter Cruise particularly since February is Financial Aid Awareness month.
“This really helps us to be visible to the students,” she said.
Campus Crusade for Christ Director Earle Chute said, “There has been very good participation. This is a well-planned-out event that is a good combination of entertainment, food and activities.”
To conclude the festivities, University Productions, which spearheads Winter Cruise, sponsored a showing of the classic romantic film An Affair to Remember, set, most appropriately, in New York, N.Y.
