The Council for Advancement and Support and Education has awarded the Campaign for ETSU Tomorrow, the university’s fund-raising drive, its Grand Award in the Graphic Identity Programs category of the District III 2002 Awards Competition.
ETSU was the only institution that received the Grand award in this category, which had more entries than any other category.
District III is composed of over 550 Southeastern colleges and universities.
“What struck the judges was the strategic emphasis on using the capital campaign logo throughout the institution’s programs,” said Dr. Gene Crume, vice president of institutional advancement at Mars Hill College in North Carolina. Crume was the chief judge of CASE’s Total Programs Division. The logo for the campaign is a globe with an explosion of light, developed in cooperation with Digital Impact Design of Cornelia, Ga.
“Those working in the University Advancement division clearly made the Campaign for ETSU Tomorrow logo a part of ETSU,” Crume said.
“Also, the style and design was very clean and transferred to several items, making the campaign logo one of the most effective the judges had seen,” he said.
The CASE award closely follows ETSU’s announcement that the Campaign for ETSU Tomorrow’s five-year, $100 million fund- raising goal had been surpassed, a testimony to the campaign’s usefulness, according to ETSU President Paul Stanton.
“Awards from CASE recognize our professional commitment to institutional advancement, and it is an honor to be recognized by our fellow colleges and universities,” he said.
Many organizations are involved with the campaign. “It has taken the entire university community, including the leadership of our campaign chairs, the ETSU Foundation and the National Alumni Association members, working together as a team to make the Campaign for ETSU Tomorrow a truly successful endeavor,” said Dr. Richard A. Manahan, vice president for university advancement and executive vice president of the ETSU Foundation.
The honorary chair for the campaign is retired congressman James H. Quillen. The co-chairs are Wayne G. Basler and Stuart E. Wood, Jr., both past presidents of the ETSU Foundation. The current president is Dennis T. Powell, and John A. Jones, editor in chief of the Johnson City Press is president of the ETSU National Alumni Association.
Begun in 1997, with an initial goal of $40 million, the Campaign for ETSU Tomorrow is set to end June 30.
For information on the CASE award or details about the campaign, contact Manahan at 439-5381.
