Dear Editor:
I am a senior nursing student writing in regards to the article published on Feb. 11 concerning the new doctorate program at the College of Nursing.
The article was well done with the exception of one thing. What’s with the second picture?!? I am referring to the worried looking guy bent over exposing his ass, while a nurse straight out of the 1940s is preparing (in a rather distasteful way) to give an inoculation. This not only ruined the article and downplayed the message, it was disrespectful to our college, our distinguished faculty member Dr. Smith and our future profession.
My letter is not aimed to divide students but to educate those still bound by the stereotypes of the nursing profession. Associating pictures of this nature with clinical research, teaching new nurses, doctorial education and a prestigious profession is absurd. I urge you to educate yourself about the subjects you wish to write about as well as the power of visual communication. I extend an invitation to you and your readers to meet in person to discuss this subject and hope that in the future our school paper will assist the image of nursing and its recruitment efforts, not hinder them.
Jerome Cohan
