A gold mine of career placement resources is available on campus to students, though many do not know these exist.
Last Thursday’s came in the form of a Multicultural Career Fair, held in the Culp Center Ballroom. The fair was hosted by the Office of Career Placement and Internship Services and co-sponsored by the Offices of Multicultural Affairs and International Programs.
“We had a really great turnout,” said Calvin Purvis, assistant director for career placement and internship services. “We sent out individual invitations and posted fliers. Everyone who said that they would come out to the event made it.”
Twenty-eight employers attended the fair, encompassing fields from law enforcement to nuclear fuel services.
“Though the focus of Thursday’s career fair was diversity, it was an inclusive, not exclusive, event,” Purvis said.
Purvis went on to say that other career fairs are planned for the upcoming months.
“We do these types of things consistently,” he said. “Interested students can log on to our web site at www.etsu.edu/careers and click on the Job Fairs and Workshops link, which lists our upcoming programs.”
An Arts and Sciences Employment Expo is planned for March 19 in the Culp Center Ballroom and a program entitled Dining in Corporate America, which will focus on social situations and dining etiquette, is scheduled for the same day at the Adelphia Centre.
“The Arts and Sciences Expo is different this year because it will include criminal justice majors,” he said.
On March 21, an Education Career Fair is scheduled to take place in the Culp Center Ballroom.
“We have seen employers make job offers on the spot before. There’s been such keen competition to get our graduates in the past,” Purvis said.
Still, the biggest event of the semester takes place on April 18 at the Holiday Inn off Exit 7 in Bristol.
“Our Careers 2002 Job Fair is co-sponsored by 18 area colleges,” he said. “In the past, it’s been amazing to see how many employers can be at one place at one time.”
Anyone interested in attending a free career fair should dress professionally and bring multiple copies of their resumes.
Other services offered by the career placement include internship and cooperative education opportunities.
“Graduates are up to one-third more hirable if they have experience,” Purvis said.
Further, Purvis recommends that students register with the office at least six to eight months prior to graduation, though registrations are accepted at any time.
“We will forward resumes from upcoming graduates to those businesses seeking employees,” he said.
Call the career placement and internship services for more information on these or other services.
Click here for a slide show of the Multicultural Career Fair
