O Human Knowledge, tell me your secrets. One such as yourself must know all. So surely you can afford to tell this travel-worn seeker a few bits of truth. Surely you need to unload your burdens, and I would be glad to carry them.
Tell me the meaning of life. Why is there all this pain and suffering? Why is there all this injustice and hatred? Why is there all this bloodshed and violence? Tell me, that is, if you have an answer.
Tell me the purpose of my life. Am I to be great leader? Or, am I to be content with quietly making a small contribution to humanity? Is life supposed to be a chain of random happenings? Or, is there a purpose to life? Surely, someone as yourself must know.
Knowledge, I repeat my words: Tell me your secrets. Does advanced life only exist on Earth? And if so, why of all the planets, Earth? And if not, where else in the galaxy is there life? Where did the universe come from?
Ok, how about answering these questions. Where did man come from? Are we humans nothing more than evolved apes? Are we just a bunch of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen simply dancing to our DNA?
O Knowledge, have you no answers for my questions? Maybe those questions are too hard; here try these easier ones. Where do our morals come from? If we merely evolved, where did we originally get our morals?
Can something be true and false at the same time? Can the truth be relative? If so, how can this be? If not, tell me why not?
Is there a God, O Fount of Human Knowledge? I beseech thee, tell me if there is. Or is all this talk of religion the foolishness of man?
Again, Knowledge, answer my questions. Or are they too hard? Here, try these even easier ones on for size.
What accounts for the beautiful colors of the sunset, painted more gloriously and awesome than any human hand could even imitate? What accounts for the wonderful feeling of walking along the beach barefoot, waves gently crashing against the shore? What accounts for the serenity of being alone in the forest?
I guess you do not care to make yourself known. Why is that? Is it because, in our logic and our reasoning, we suppress reality? Do we search for knowledge and wisdom with our minds made up before hand? Do we recycle lies as the truth and burn the truth at the stake as heresy? Do we smuggle our prejudices into the truth, instead of the truth wiping out our prejudices?
Is it because our actions and our words are so vain and so egotistical that even the smallest piece of wisdom gleaned from years of study is twisted beyond recognition to suit our needs and agendas? Is it because of our fears and pride that we will not share what we have learned, for we must be the one to get the fame and the glory, even at the expense to humanity?
Is it because of our prideful beings, accepting truth only when it suits our needs or agrees to our conditions? Is it because of our lustful selves, giving ourselves over to our own wanton desires, all the while toasting the sinking of the truth? Oh, that we would never have to trip over our own vanities!
Just a few things to ponder.
