A beautiful girl named queen, a devious schemer, a people in danger of annihilation, courage in the face of life and death – all of this and more describe Star Queen, a musical play coming to ETSU’s Brown Hall Auditorium March 20 at 7 p.m.
Sponsored by Christian Student Fellowship, this free musical is based on the biblical account of Esther and displays the talents of local father and son duo Tommy and John Thomas Oaks. Residents of Elizabeth-ton, Tommy, a pastor and the first graduate of ETSU’s storytelling program, and his son John Thomas, a professional writer of musicals, teamed up in 1993 to create Star Queen.
“I re-member my father telling the story (of Esther) all my life,” said John Thomas. “Nine years ago I turned it into a musical.”
The Oaks’ version of Esther is a tongue-in-cheek account of the story, chock full of contemporary references and anachronisms reminiscent of the well-known Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat.
“The story of Esther just naturally reads like a musical,” Oaks said. It has all the elements – a hero and heroine, a villain, different plot twists and, in the tradition of pre-West Side Story musicals, a happy ending.”
Students who attend the two-man version of this play can expect to be treated to a variety of modern music numbers with a Vaudeville flavor.
“The Jewish people today view the Purim holiday as a great celebration,” Oaks said. “For once in their history they come out on top despite an evil plot … and the musical reflects this celebration.”
Star Queen is just one of six musicals Oaks has thus far created. A graduate of the University of Tennessee, Oaks has had four of his works produced, and has trained in New York at a renowned musical workshop. Currently, his musical Sunny is in production at Lees McCray College in Banner Elk, N.C.
For more information on Oaks and Star Queen visit www.oaksengine.com or call the Campus House at 928-2870.
