Though our world is in a desperate search for peace, the International Student Organization at ETSU recognized the strengths of all cultures through a unique demonstration of unity last Friday at “The Night of the Nations.”
The event, which took place at the University Parkway Baptist Church, began with a march of the nations as international students proudly waved the flags of their homelands. Simultaneously, a slide show depicting scenes from the World Trade Center Towers was displayed.
“There were people from 60 nations affected [by the events on Sept. 11]. We want this event to bring a global awareness of the unity we desire to see,” said Shandre Gounden, president of the International Student Organization.
Following the march, international food, prepared by students and faculty, was served. Further, students entertained their guests with such activities as dances, songs and skits from their home countries. Twenty countries were represented at the event, including India, China, Japan, Russia, Peru, Thailand, Kenya and Germany, to name a few.
“We want this to be not only entertaining but also educational,” Gounden said. “It’s important for students in this area to be exposed to people from different walks of life. It’s an enriching experience.”
More than 60 international students took part in the event. Gounden said that it was important for students to know that the international students “have come here and adopted America as their own country.”
Similar student organizations from both the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and Pellissippi State joined forces with ETSU’s International Student Organization to make the event successful.
“This is one of the first times students from so many cultures have come together under the same roof,” Gounden said. “It’s a great way for those in power to see the unity and harmony we desire.”
Proceeds from “The Night of the Nations” will be used to fund a trip to Washington, D.C., during spring break for international students.
“We want to educate them on this country and to visit the capitol,” Gounden explained.
To find out more about the International Student Organization or its upcoming activities, call the office of International Programs at 439-7737.
