Thanks to Bobby Funk, ETSU’s director of theatre, and his Adopt-A-Seat program, the VA Memorial Theatre is getting a facelift.
The theatre, located across the street from ETSU’s main campus, on the Veterans Affairs Medical Campus, was built in 1906 to benefit veterans who remained loyal to the Union during the Civil War.
ETSU has a lease with the VA that allows the university to use the theatre for various productions in exchange for the restoration, maintenance and operation of the theatre.
“ETSU’s division of theatre controls the building, but other groups can rent space,” Funk said.
Recent renters have included an opera and a dance company.
The theatre had fallen into disrepair by the time ETSU began renting the building. Once used to entertain vets with plays, the building was used less as the former soldiers began to watch video productions.
The Adopt-A-Seat program allows patrons to donate $500 in exchange for a plaque to be mounted on a seat in the theatre. The donation may be in memory of a loved one or a veteran. A section of box seats can be adopted for $5000.
So far, new curtains have been purchased for the theatre, and some of the electrical system has been improved. Although repairs are being made to the building as money is raised, there is still a long list of renovations to be made.
Both lighting and sound systems need to be installed, carpet needs to be replaced, restrooms and dressing rooms need to be upgraded, and access for disabled persons needs to be improved. Storage space needs restoring, and a counter-weight fly system is also needed.
“It will cost about $1 million to do everything we need to do,” Funk said.
Donations can be made in a lump sum or in installments. “Anyone can make a donation anytime they like, for any amount,” he said. “We have a payment plan for employees.”
Donations can be made to the ETSU Foundation. Call the Division of Theatre at 439-5827 for more information.
