Laura Terry is the director of multicultural affairs at ETSU and one of the busiest women on campus.
“I’m stressed but I try to deal with it. I love my job,” Terry says.
The goal of multicultural affairs at ETSU is creating and fostering a campus wide climate of respect for each individual and advocating for a culturally diverse and non-discriminatory campus community. Terry puts in lots of hard work to achieve this goal.
Terry is responsible for most of the multicultural activities on campus. In addition, she advises students of minorities and is a mentor to African-American students. Her days are filled with booking activities for students like the Unity Picnic scheduled for April.
Terry says one of her most important jobs is retaining freshman students.
She sees many students come into her office considering approximately 10 percent of the student body at ETSU is minority.
Her main goal is to see each and every student through to graduation.
Terry is not only responsible for guiding the African-American students on campus but others including Native Americans and Asian and Pacific Islanders.
“Any type of month that needs to be celebrated and appreciated for diversity is my responsibility.” Terry says. “I cover anything that promoted unity on campus for all students.”
Terry is also the director of the Gospel Ensemble at ETSU, which is one of the largest African-American organization on campus but open to everyone interested. She is currently working on granting scholarships to those interested in joining the Gospel Ensemble. The schlorship would be offered to those students who do not live in Tennessee but would allow them to waiver the out-of-state tuition. Applications have already come in from Virginia and North Carolina.
“We travel to places like churches and schools in the area. It’s not just African-American students involved.” Terry says. “We promote diversity and sing praises for the Lord.”
Multicultural career fairs, fashion shows, unity walks and semi-formals are just some of the activities Terry has helped students plan. She also tries to involve other organizations on campus. This year, Campus Recreation will sponsor a yoga session for Stress Awareness Day in conjunction with Multicultural Affairs.
“I do whatever I see, or whatever the students come forward and decide they want to do, that is fun and promotes unity among all students on campus,” says Terry.
To look at Terry’s calender any other person might be a little overwhelmed but not her.
“I think of things constantly that I just have to put in a folder,” she says. “I am a one-office woman. I try not to overwhelm myself.
