Students can show support for victims of sexual violence and learn how to protect themselves from becoming a statistic at the same time as they take part in the on-campus Clothesline Project.
The annual program, which is held during Women’s History Month, allows students to project messages of support on cardboard T-shirts.
“The messages promote zero tolerance of sexual assault against women,” said Joyce Steadman, graduate assistant for Campus Advocates Against Sexual Violence.
According to Steadman, the cardboard shirts will be displayed at the Take Back the Night rally planned for March 25 at 7 p.m. in the Culp Center auditorium.
“We’ll hang the shirts on an actual clothesline,” she said. “We’re also considering displaying the shirts near the ramp in the Culp for everyone to see.”
Steadman said that it is important for survivors of sexual assault to have support.
“The statistics surrounding sexual assault are outstanding,” Steadman said. “It is important for students to be aware that [sexual assault] takes place and to see what the survivors have gone through.”
Any student interested in creating a shirt should stop by the Clothesline Project booth located on the second floor of the Culp Center between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
The Clothesline Project will end today.
The Take Back the Night rally and march will also center on zero tolerance with regard to sexual violence.
“Our guest speakers will include Coach Karen Kemp and President Stanton,” Steadman said.
The rally will include a personal story from a survivor of sexual assault.
Take Back the Night is free and open to the public. Take Back the Night and the Clothesline Project are sponsored by the Counseling Center, Women’s Resource Center and student volunteers, among other campus organizations.
Call the Counseling Center at 439-4841 for more information on these or other programs.
To view the Clothesline Slide show click here: Clothesline Project
