ETSU students in English are encouraged to apply for the following scholarships by Friday.
Students should submit a letter of application and a resume for each award for which they wish to apply.
The Mary B. Herrin Scholar-ship is for graduate and undergraduate English majors. The award recognizes superior scholarship. Students who are local residents and in need of financial aid are especially considered.
The Harry G. Merrill, II Memorial Scholarship is for senior English majors who plan to pursue a master’s degree in English. Candidates should have a 3.0 GPA and a 3.20 GPA in English as well as demonstrate financial need. The award recognizes promise of success in the profession.
The Jill MacLean Memorial Scholarships for undergraduate English majors in their junior or senior years. The award recognizes superior scholarship and potential.
The Golda M. Merrill Memorial Scholarship for junior English majors who declare their intent to complete an undergraduate degree in English. Candi-dates should have a 3.0 GPA and a 3.20 GPA in English as well as demonstrate financial need. The award recognizes promise of success in the profession.
The Mary and Ambrose Manning Scholarship is for secondary English teachers. Candi-dates must have completed 60 credit hours with 3.0 GPA, and must have officially entered the teacher education curriculum with a major in English. The award recognizes superior undergraduate work by aspiring secondary English teachers.
The Duggar Award is for undergraduate English majors, except for seniors graduating in spring 2002. The award recognizes superior undergraduate scholarship and leadership.
The McClellan Award is for undergraduate English majors, except for seniors graduating in Spring 2002. The award recognizes superior writing ability. Candidates should submit samples of their best writing along with their application letter.
Applications should be addressed to Fred Waage, Department of English P.O. Box 70683, ETSU, Johnson City, TN 37614.
