The ETSU Student Health Center provides a vending machine stocked with over-the-counter medications to self-treat common discomforts without having to see a physician.
The Student Health staff perceived a need to provide students the option to receive over-the-counter medications when they want to employ self-care.
Over-the-counter medication is used to treat symptoms such as headaches, sore throats, menstrual pain, upset stomach, nasal congestion, hay fever, cough and cold symptoms.
Students can now treat their symptoms without having to sign in and be seen by a nurse practitioner or a physician.
The Student Health Center selected medications that students request the most of when they want to ease uncomfortable symptoms so they won’t have to miss class.
Students can now treat their own discomforts and stay alert in class.
“As students become more and more responsible for their own health, many begin to identify and recognize when they should receive healthcare from a clinical staff member,” Health Education Coordinator Barbara Knight said. “Students may also begin to identify situations where they just need to treat symptoms, as in the case of colds and hay fever.”
Student Health has been trying to fit a vending machine into its budget for a few years but they just couldn’t manage to fund a machine.
Recently the Student Allocation Committee provided enough money to purchase a machine.
Student Health provides all the medications and its staff keeps it stocked and operating.
“Student Health will keep the vending machine stocked with the most requested items, so the medication supply could vary from season to season or from semester to semester,” Knight said.
The medications currently available are cold relief tablets, ibuprofen, throat lozenges, decongestant, antacid and acetaminophen.
The medication costs a quarter. Pamphlets on the medications and their side effects are provided by the Student Health Center and are located on the left side of the machine.
An additional pamphlet rack is located on the right side of the machine that provides tips on colds, flu, sore throats and other illnesses.
“The machine is available as long as Lamb Hall is open to students,” Knight said.
For more information, call ETSU Student Health Services at 439-4500.
