Dear Editor,
Does anyone know what is up with the Carnegie/Adelphia Complexes?
If parking at the garage was illegal to begin with, I am a repeat offender.
I was caravanning to the parking garage one morning, along with a river of other ETSU students, to my normal parking hole in the garage. First level, right inside the gate. As I wrapped my car around the entrance, I noticed a sign. I was in utter dismay as I read the thick words on the large sign blocking the entryway. It read (in my own words) “NO STUDENT PARKING! Only Adelphia staff, Carnegie staff and Guests are allowed. All violators will be towed.”
We all know that the parking garage behind Carnegie Hotel is pretty much trained to be “dead” empty. Practically, its only good use was for students to park across the street, for lack of parking spaces in the university’s lots.
Students never “filled up” the parking garage; it was pretty much empty when I got there, and empty when I left. What about the classes that are held at the Adelphia Centre? Aren’t there digital media classes being held there? What about those students? Are they going to have to park at McDonalds or the BP gas station? Or park on the other side of campus, past Bojangles? Or are those students exempt? If so, how do they go about checking who the offenders are, and who is allowed to park there?
Maybe my mellow rant is nothing more than just a rant, but I think that the Adelphia/Carnegie buildings should at least allow ETSU students in the top couple of floors. There’s nothing up there anyway, except a few birds and some garbage that no one has thought to pick up.
Andrew Foister
