As my time here at the East Tennessean draws to a close, I thought I would take advantage of my editorial position and write a column that would help satisfy my growing curiosities.
Recently and over my last several years here at the university, I have found a few curious questions that I would like to find answers to. I thought perhaps the student body could help me in this matter. If, after reading the following questions, you find you know the answer, I encourage you to write a letter to the editor. Answers would be very much appreciated, for I would like to leave the university putting a rest to these perplexing questions:
1. Why did the university recently put time and money into bathroom construction, but in the process didn’t bother to fix the broken door latches?
2. Why is it still necessary to count how many classes are writing, oral or technology intensive when the university has successfully made every other class at least one of the three (some of which are more than one)?
3. Why did we place giant, bright Pepsi machines at random places on campus?
Granted, everyone gets thirsty, but why place the machines in the middle of beautiful landscaped areas? Why not place them next to a building or inside for that matter? I thought our campus was known for having beautiful scenery, it seems as though we are slowly taking that away.
4. Why do some of the history teachers feel the constant need to curse and throw things? I have never had any other teacher who throws a marker across the room when it runs out of ink?
5. Why is Goldlink only available from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. when it is located on the World Wide Web? This one really bugs me, I know it must have an answer, but I am just not sure what it is.
6. Why are students forced to pay to print copies, pages, etc., when they don’t even want to print them to begin with? Perhaps, 5 cents per copy sounds like a little, but after a whole semester that money could buy some serious Ramen noodles.
7. Why does the university cable not carry the WB channel? Now this is just a personal preference, but every Wednesday night I am missing Dawson’s Creek!
8. Why do we have an amphitheatre that is rarely used? I am sure we have lots of local bands who would jump at the opportunity to play in front of a college audience. Even better, it wouldn’t hurt to ask Dave Matthews to stop by!
If you have the answers to or thoughts on any of these things, let us know. Letters to the editor should be sent to Campus box 70688 or by e-mail to etnews We reserve the right to edit any and all correspondence for libel, length, spelling, etc. Please include your name, campus box and phone number for verification.
