Students in the psychology department organizations at ETSU are offered a variety of opportunities, including being able to attend professional conferences and becoming involved with research projects.
Dr. Roger Bailey has been a faculty member at the university for 29 years and is the advisor for the Psychology Club.
Bailey said that the three student organizations in the psychology department are the Psi Club, the Psychology Club, and the graduate student organization.
To be a member of the Psi Club, students must maintain a high grade point average. The Psychology Club is open to anyone on campus, regardless of his or her major or grade point average.
“These organizations serve an important purpose by allowing students to receive instruction outside the classroom environment,” Bailey said.
Guest speakers and workshops are the main features of the organizations, which may include discussions of graduate school or the job market and employment.
Students participating in these organizations may have the opportunity to attend professional conferences.
“Many of these students, both graduate and undergraduate, attend to make presentations” at conferences because they have been involved with research, Bailey said.
This year some members will be attending a conference in Orlando. Some graduate students will also have the opportunity to attend a conference in Las Vegas.
“We have made rather extensive use of these clubs,” Bailey said. “They have a vital role in the life of our department.
