Probability and Statistics, which fulfills a math core requirement, is going to be taught differently this fall in hopes that students’ grades will dramatically improve.
The course was originally Math 1080 but has been changed on the ETSU campus to Math 1530.
“Historically, student success or lack there of in Math 1530 has been one of ETSU’s most vexing problems,” said Anant Godbole, chair of the department of mathematics.
He said that freshmen do not typically do well in math. Godbole, who took the department chair in June of 2000, said that he wanted to change the attitude toward Probability and Statistics.
The department needed $200,000 to even consider the new idea for the program. The National Science Foundation funded a $125,000 grant, and ETSU matched it.
The new math lab, called the Statcave, will be located in Rooms 305 and 306 in Gilbreath Hall.
Classes will either meet on Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. Students will meet once a week in the Statcave and once a week in a classroom setting. No section will exceed 40 students.
Godbole said that computers will be used as web-based resources that will help students understand the course.
He said that the math department has hopes for a Resource Center, subject to funding, that will enable faculty members to be trained continuously.
“We have always had a dream of converting the class in which technology plays a fundamental role in enhancing the students’ mastery of fundamental statistical concepts,” Godbole said.
A common final exam will still be given.
