Have you ever felt the need to become more involved in volunteer activities in your community, but didn’t know how to go about it?
Volunteer ETSU’s Scoop on Service to be held on the lawn of the Pedestrian Mall Monday from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., could definitely help you out in that department.
Volunteer ETSU, a student-led campus organization, mobilizes people and resources to deliver solutions to community needs. The organization’s members coordinate service programs throughout the community that offer students the opportunity to get involved.
Organizing the event was quite a joy for Nate Bailey and Abby Gutzman, the event coordinators, who recognized the impact it could have on the student body.
“Our goal for the Scoop on Service is to afford organizations the opportunity to recruit students from ETSU and offer information to those willing to give back to the community,” Bailey said. “There is a lack of student involvement on campus, and the Scoop on Service is here to help encourage people to volunteer who may otherwise be hesitant to do so.”
Scoop on Service will feature an array of 20 local and regional partners in service (some affiliated with national service organizations). These groups will provide brochures, pamphlets, volunteer applications and free giveaways for interested students. As the event is fittingly called Scoop on Service, free scoops of ice cream will be served.
Other fun activities will be held during the day long event. Students will have the chance to participate in making Spin Art Frisbees, and will be able to get Henna Tattoos at the event’s activity booths.
While students eat ice cream, get Henna tattoos, make Spin Art frisbees and learn how to get more involved in volunteer opportunities, they will also be entertained by the smooth vocal stylings of the all-male acapella group TenBucsWorth, who will be performing two brand new songs for the event.
Scoop on Service, sponsored by Volunteer ETSU and University Productions, will be held on campus Monday from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. on the lawn of the Pedestrian Mall, between Carter Residence Hall and the Amphitheater.
For more information please contact Volunteer ETSU at 439-4254.
