Dear editor,
Over the past three years, I have had the honor to serve the students of ETSU as a senator in the Student Government Association.
I endeavored to improve ETSU and the SGA to better meet the needs of the student body, and I feel that we have accomplished many things in such effort.
I, however, can no longer achieve the goals that I think are necessary from the floor of the student senate, and thus I became a candidate for vice president during the recent SGA elections.
The new vice president will serve you well, though it will not be me.
I have faith in Mr. (Aaron) Caton’s abilities and believe his motivation to be good.
It is my hope that SGA will regain the respect of the student body, through diligent service.
I shall always be grateful for the opportunity I have been given in the senate and will always remember my service here fondly. I would like to thank the student body for allowing me the opportunity to serve them for the past few years. I can only hope that I have served you right.
Senator David Michael Lane
