Last Thursday’s Wellapalooza: A Carnival of Health gave students the opportunity to kick back and have some fun in an environment which emphasized healthy living.Co-sponsored by the College of Public and Allied Health and the Counseling Center, this event brought together ETSU departments, student organizations and the community for a day of education and play.

“The purpose of this event is to provide students information to make informed decisions about their health in a fun atmosphere,” said Kim Bushore-Maki, the Counseling Center’s coordinator of special outreach programs.

Loud music, free food and giveaways – always a sure-fire recipe for piquing the college student’s interest – were only some of the elements of the third annual Wellapalooza. Students were loaded down with stickers, candy, pens, pamphlets, water bottles, T-shirts and other freebies as organizations advertised themselves and promoted the idea of personal wellness.

Sophomore Amanda Greever said, “I think this is a good mix of fun activities and booths about healthy lifestyles, so it’s been really fun and informative at the same time.”

Greek organizations, Public Safety, local EMS and Red Cross representatives, the student health clinic and the Tennessee College Corps were some of the many groups involved. In addition, the Counseling Center conducted an alcohol screening which provided students constructive feedback about potentially deleterious alcohol behaviors.

Also, students had the opportunity to be kids once more as giant inflatable games such as a jousting ring, an obstacle course, a bungee race and the human Velcro station were brought in for some good times.

“I think this (Wellapalooza) is always a wonderful opportunity to present health information in a happy, fun way,” said health educator Barbara Knight. “It’s important, because, after all, being healthy is what makes you happy.
