This Tuesday marked the changing of the guard in the Student Government Associ-ation.
The inauguration ceremony, which symbolizes the transfer of power from the old administration to the new, was conducted in the Culp Center’s East Tennessee Room. Both the new Senate and executive branch members were sworn in. The ceremony kicked off with the presentation of awards.
Previously voted upon by the SGA, the Dorman Stout Award for Excellency was given to Senator Tiffany Porter. The award was created to honor Stout upon his retirement from the university.
Senator of the Year, which is an award given by the Senate to recognize the most outstanding Senator was given to Chris Zeigler.
SGA President Chad Reed then awarded two cabinet members; giving both Elizabeth Johnston, who served as secretary of interior and Adam Moore, the chief justice, the award for cabinet member of the year.
Afterwards, Reed gave his outgoing address and handed the presidency to Jennifer Berry.
“This has been a very exciting time for me,” Reed said.
Berry was elected in what was one of the highest voter turnouts in recent years.
Overall, around 1,000 students voted this year, whereas, last year there were only around 600 votes cast.
Berry opened her presidency with the traditional inaugural address, in which she stated that she was ready to work with all the students.
“I look forward to working with every student on this campus … my door is always open,” said Berry.
In addition to Berry, the new executive branch consists of Aaron Caton as vice president, and Priya Ponnipula as secretary/treasurer.
After her remarks, Berry announced that applications for cabinet members were in the SGA office, and that anyone seeking a position should apply and schedule a meeting time as soon as possible.
