How has life changed since the establishment of the communication department in 1969? Current students will soon find out as they attend the first annual Department of Communication Alumni Banquet and Hall of Fame, a night recognizing more than 1,500 past graduates.
According to Lise Cutshaw, instructor and alumna, one alumna from each division of the communication department will be selected for the hall of fame. “The six divisions in our department are speech, journalism, theatre, broadcasting, public relations and advertising,” she said. “We hope to make [the banquet] an annual event. Our hope is to start out moderately and grow.”
Cutshaw said that the banquet also will allow students to be exposed to scholarship opportunities. “Since the awards banquet this year is also being combined with our alumni banquet, we hope that the students can make connections with alumni in the business,” she added.
“This will be a big night for everyone,” said Dr. Jack Mooney, journalism, advertising and public relations division head and communication professor since 1970. “There are a number of alumni doing quite well for themselves.” Dr. Amber Kinser, departmental speech professor, added that the banquet will “help students feel hope for future employment, while reminding alumni of the accomplishments they have achieved.”
The banquet will be held on Friday, April 26, at 7 p.m. in the Culp University Center.
Cutshaw said that speakers for the event will most likely include alumni and perhaps a current communications student. “We want to share some funny memories and neat perspectives of the department,” she said.
Planning for the alumni banquet and hall of fame is being done by the Public Relations Practices class on campus. Norrie Anne Knisley, a member of the public relations team, stated that the she and her classmates have prepared for the night by sending out press releases, mailing invitations, creating menus, ordering trophies and inviting fellow students. She went on to say that the music for the banquet will be provided by a DJ.
“It’s important that we, as communication majors, show support for the department. Students can meet with alumni, socialize and have fun. It’s also great to get a chance to relax and meet with the students you have class with daily on a more personal level,” she said.
Tickets for the banquet are $5 for students and $25 for alumni. Call 439-4199 for more information.
