For students looking to quench their thirst while walking around campus there are now Pepsi kiosks located at different outdoor locations.”Basically Pepsi came to the university with a plan to put the kiosks up around campus,” said David Collins, associate vice president of business and finance at ETSU.

ETSU gets a percentage of the profits from all drink sales on campus, 55 percent for canned drinks and 50 percent for bottled drinks.

The kiosks are located in high traffic areas throughout campus and were designed to cater mostly to commuter students.

“We decided it would be a good service to students who walk back and forth to cars,” Collins said. “Drinks are an impulse type item that you may not think about while you’re indoors, but when you see it at your car you want one,” he said.

Collins said that ETSU and Pepsico Inc. representatives tried to locate the kiosks in areas where most students park and where they would provide the biggest benefit, such as near the tennis courts.

The artwork displayed on the kiosks was created by ETSU student Jessica Heschong.

David Dixon, associate professor in the department of art and design, said Pepsi approached him and solicited ideas.

“We have in the art department the graphic design workshop and the premise of this class is to allow seniors to get experience dealing with clients,” he said.

“We’ve done work for Ronald McDonalds, Big Brother, Big Sister and private companies,” he said.

Dixon said he likes for students to listen to clients when it comes to working for them, but he would have preferred a different design, something more environmentally friendly that could have blended in with the surroundings.

“Jessica wanted something loud and splashy,” he said. “Jessica’s idea was the one Pepsi wanted. Pepsi liked the more exciting, outrageous design.
