Enroll in ETSU’s “Grappling with Grammar Gremlins” course this summer and never make those comma or apostrophe mistakes again. The course, originated from students’ requests, is intended for anyone who puts anything into writing for the public eye. The course will be offered from May 13-31, Monday through Friday, from 3-6 p.m.

Anyone who feels a little insecure about his or her writing or grammatical skills will greatly benefit from this class. Through a student-driven, practical approach, the course will provide assurance in students’ knowledge of grammar usage. This fun, yet intensive class is guaranteed to expand grammatical abilities in a helpful, non-threatening manner. Students will proudly complete this course with a new confidence in their writing and improved grammatical abilities.

Dubbed the “Grammar Queen”, Dr. Marjorie Anderson has spent three years on the campus of ETSU. Prior to working at the university, Anderson worked as head of an alternative school and in the teacher education department of Wake Forest University.

For more information about the course, contact Anderson at 439-7599 or email her at andersms@etsu.edu.
