Have you ever wondered if any of those fascinating technologies in movies like Star Wars and Star Trek would become reality one day? Well, if you thought so, you’re right. By enrolling in Computer Science of Science Fiction (CSCI 4956/5956) students will read short stories and watch movies like these and see how yesterday’s science fiction is today’s technology. This course will be offered from June 3 through July 8 from 6 to 8:45 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday.

The objectives of this course are reading, writing and learning advanced computer concepts. Students will also do research papers online. To better understand how computing has changed, “students will watch science fiction movies and use independent critical thinking skills to find the facts and make sure they’re reasonable,” said Dr. Don Sanderson, computer science professor, who will be teaching the course. Interestingly, students will also learn how yesterday’s popular depictions are today’s technology.

This course is open to any student interested in learning more about computers and the things we can do with them now, and may be able to do with them in the future. The only prerequisite for the course is CSCI-1100 (or equivalent) and an inquisitive mind. Students will spend time reading and watching science fiction and science fact. Students will also research the state-of-the-art developments in computers science using the huge amount of material available through the Internet. This will allow discussions on theways science fiction ‘got it right’ or ‘got it wrong’, and try to guess which of today’s predictions might come to pass.

For more details contact Sanderson at 423-439-6961 or via e-mail at sanderso@etsu.edu.
