My adventure here at the East Tennessean began in the middle of the spring semester of 2001 when I was hired on as a Lifestyles writer. This occupation did not last long, for three weeks later I was asked to join the editorial staff as news editor. This is where the fun really began. I knew I would really like the job I just had no idea how much. So much that, two semesters later, I became the executive editor.My time spent at the paper has been a special experience that I will remember of the rest of my life. The people I have had the chance to work with have all touch my life is special ways. So, for this article my sole purpose is to thank everyone who has made my time here at the newspaper memorable.

Angie – You are the hidden, behind-the-scenes member of our group. Not on staff, but a student worker who I feel is truly one of us. You have put a smile on my face on days I really needed it, just by saying “hi.” Your warmth and enthusiasm has made our working environment special and fun. Just promise me you won’t get a job singing on soap operas. Instead, I hope to see you singing with the one and only Celine Dion.

Nathan – My fearless SGA reporter! Thank you so much for all your hard work, attending all those meetings and writing at times when I know your schedule was booked solid. You showed a real commitment to the paper and to doing things right. Good luck in all that you do, and when and if you take that Senate seat.

Chuck – Thanks for taking on the new kid in the middle of the semester. I was dropped in the pool and didn’t know how to swim. Thank you for teaching me the ropes and for the chance to persue my goals.

Abby – Our team leader last semester, you set the standard high. You display such as great love for the job and can layout pages faster than anyone I know. Thank you for teaching me the shortcuts. I have no doubt you will succeed in all that you do, especially when you land that newspaper job in New Orleans! Thank you for being a great friend, mentor, leader and teacher. I just want to know one thing – why has this phone not rung five times a night like promised?

Thank you most of all to my editorial staff this semester – Whitney, Michael, Holly, Beth and John – you guys are the backbone of this paper. Without you, it simply would not happen. Thank you for all your dedication, work and long hours!

John – Some of you may know him as Palmer, and all those who know you, John, know how special and valuable you are. You have pulled double duty this semester as both photography editor and circulation manager. I cannot begin to thank you enough. You have produced the most wonderful pictures and never neglected an assignment. I know next semester you will provide Whitney the same support. Also, let me know how that next Harry Potter book turns out. I am sure it will be long before I ever catch up with you, but I’ll keep trying, reading number three out of five can’t be too bad.

Beth – I really don’t know where to start. The day I met you I knew you would do great things. I saw the same spark in your eye that was in mine. You are a fantastic writer and an even better editor. You have a wonderful career in journalism waiting for you. The unsung hero of the Society of Professional Journalists who recruited endlessly and a most outstanding friend. Thank you so much for your kindness and support. Best wishes to you and Jimmy, and if you need any wedding planning advice, give me a call. Just promise me you’ll resist the temptation to sing Spanish songs at your wedding.

Holly – You put forth so much effort and never once complained. You were my right hand and the paper was so much better because of you. Thank you for all the nights you stayed late with me to make sure our paper was error-free. Your kind heart made work so much fun and so pleasant, and that is the part I will miss the most. I have enjoyed getting to know you over the past few years. I know you have a promising career ahead of you. Any newspaper in the country would be lucky to find you. I wish you the best of luck after graduation and have a safe trip if you go to Russia. Speaking of Russia, I would avoid wearing the “Blues Clues” shirt if you go there, they might think you’re up to something.

Michael – When you wanted 12 pages, there were 16 and if you wanted 16 pages, there were only 12, but somehow you always made it work. You really are the sports section and have been for sometime, first as a writer and then as the editor. You spent so many hours covering events yourself to make sure your section was a success. Thank you so much for all your work, it has not gone unnoticed. I will miss you and wish you the best after graduation. I have enjoyed getting to know you over the past few years, starting all the way back to Dr. Anderson’s History and Issues class. I have missed sitting across from you this semester; my griping sessions haven’t been the same without you. Whenever you land that sports editor job out in the real world and need someone to fix that Britney picture on your computer, give me a call.

Whitney – Did you know how great working with you has been? Did you know how good the Lifestyles section has looked every issue? Did you know you are going to make the East Tennessean a fantastic executive editor? Did you know that chocolate disappears from my desk the fastest when you’re here? Ok, now I am kidding, Candy is the real culprit. Seriously, I am so excited you chose to take on the executive editor position. You are going to do such as great job as you have done every semester. You have made the Lifestyles section so interesting and unique, so I know you will continue that trend with the entire paper. Thank you for all the times you made me laugh, you have been such a joy to work with and I will miss you greatly. I wish you all the happiness in the world, and I hope you land your dream job in medical journalism. (Although, I know you will not have any problem.) I wish you the best of luck, and don’t forget I am supposed to keep an eye on what cartoons you print, so I will be watching. Best wishes also on your future marriage, I’ll miss hearing that phone ring.

Thank you also to our ad managers Kim and Ashley who shared a big responsibility and did an excellent job. Sorry guys if I had to ban a few. Also, thank you to Josh who, every week, devotes his time to making our web site look great. You do an excellent job!

Thank you also to the writers and photographers who do so much for so little, you really are the thread that holds the paper together. Thank you also to the students from the journalism classes who have contributed their work to the paper. All of you have talent and I hope in the future you will join the East Tennessean staff.

Next, I want to thank the two most important people at the East Tennessean, Martha Milner, our advisor, and Candy Naff, our office manager, whose years of experience and dedication to the paper have made it what it is today.

Candy – I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. Thank you for all our ‘talks,’ you have been such a great support system for me. I love your personality and seeing you everyday puts a smile on my face. All of your hard work and dedication is what makes everything go smoothly. Thanks for supporting my decisions, both the good and the ‘banned.’ I do wish you could have sat in with us in our Women’s Studies class, I know they would have loved to hear what you had to say. Also, I don’t care what Abby says – park it in here anytime you want! P.S. I hope to see you at my wedding!

Martha – I know I could write a book for all the things you have done for me personally and for the paper. Without your support, hard work, dedication, and expertise, this paper would not succeed. Your wonderful personality makes work so much fun, although Whitney is the only one who really thinks you’re mean. Of course, that will change once she completes your class, it did for the rest of us. But, seriously, your support and friendship have meant so much to me. I know I can come to you with anything and completely trust in your confidence. The relationship I have with you I will treasure always, there are not many like it. I know, ten years from now, you will announce my name as the “once holder of the horse’s ass” with pride! And, to Joe, you’re welcome and I am sorry, just know I tried my best to get her out of here as early as I could every time. Martha, you’re the best! I will miss you greatly, and I hope to see you on June 8.

Finally, I want to thank those outside the paper who everyday make my life so special.

Mom and Dad – Without hesitation, you support me in every decision I make, and for that reason alone I am lucky to call you my parents. Without your love and enthusiasm, working at the paper would mean very little. I love you both!

Tara – I’ll never forget all the times you rescued me to take me out to dinner. If anyone couldn’t wait to pick up the next paper, it was you. I can’t thank you enough for your support, and your friendship means everything to me. I wish you the best of luck in pharmacy school, but I will miss you terribly.

Chris – My best friend and the love of my life! You are the rock on which I stand, and without you I would fall. You were the first person I called crying with excitement when I got the job, and you will be the one to wipe away my tears at the end. You are the only one who really knows and understands what this job has meant to me. Thank you for being there every step of the way and for reading every single paper with enthusiasm. I love you so much and I cannot wait to be your wife!

And last, but certainly not least, I want to thank Emily, my sister, who spent countless hours taping all of the Dawson’s Creek episodes I missed while working late hours on Wednesday nights. You’re a lifesaver – thank you so much. I love you.
