Three years ago I was a student at a hotel/restaurant school in Louisville,Ky. As a part of my training for the hotel business I had to take one culinary class. Needless to say I still cannot cook, and even if I did there is always a key ingredient left out of my dish. For example, I once tried to make biscuits but I left out the salt that would causes the dough to rise.
In the United States today we are snubbing a very important ingredient that has allowed us to be so successful. We are snubbing our noses at the Christian principles that this nation was founded on. I vehemently believe that this nation has been prosperous because of its former faithfulness to Christianity.
Just about now every intellectual is disdaining my article as extremism. But why do some now want to change our American history to look so deistic? As you will hear me say quite often in my columns, it is really quite elementary.
If we link ourselves to a Christian history then that means we have strayed a long way from our “Christian principles,” right? If this statement is true then a lot of us are going to have to clean or polish up our lives, right? Allow me to lay it out as plain as day for you. Having a Christian history and being fruitful under such a value system ties us to the principles laid out in the Bible.
The Bible, even if you do not believe in it or care about it, has great principles. That fact cannot be refuted. Read Proverbs and then turn to the New Testament and tell me wisdom cannot be found there. We are challenged under such wisdom to change our lives and that’s not an easy task. It was never meant to be an easy task!
Before I trek on further this is not meant to bash anyone because I know we all struggle with our own demons. It takes different lengths of time for each of us to deal with them properly.
Presently we seek challenge through academics, sports and so on. But there is no greater challenge than to try to perfect one’s self.
A problem I can visibly pick out is that we really are more afraid than ever.
If change is to take place, if a life is to be “clean,” then a crossover must take place. This crossover is where most people turn away. Walking through new territory is frightening even for the veterans. Challenge means venturing out of our comfort zone which most of us do not want to do, including myself. We must challenge ourselves to realize that we do have a Christian history and it’s something to be proud of!
I like to think of Christians not as “fundamentalists,” but as “principalists.” If the United States is ever really going to move forward we must adhere to these principles that gained us the success we have today.
For those of you who do not believe we have a Christian heritage read, David Barton’s book Original Intent. Challenge yourselves this semester to read and study our real American heritage.
