I recently read an article in the Johnson City Press that has, for lack of words that sum it up, really pissed me off.
The article in question was a five-part series on DUI charges in our region. The articles focused on the victims of DUI accidents and lawyers that can supposedly “get you off” of a DUI charge.
I was upset for many reasons. One reason being that on the front page it listed two victims, one of whom I knew. It proceeded to explain the “facts” about these deaths.
I am all for freedom of the press, but the press must realize that there are guidelines which they must follow. Clearly this article was only one sided.
We are taught in journalism classes that there is always more than one side to every story and this article clearly disregarded that rule.
In the aforementioned victim’s report, the Press reported that Ronald Lee Hogsed Jr. was charged with vehicular homicide by intoxication. The catch here is that it was not intoxication by alcohol. It was ruled intoxication by large amounts of marijuana contained in his bloodstream.
Hogsed is the only person in the state of Tennessee who has been convicted of vehicular homicide because of marijuana content.
Have you ever known of any crime that has been committed because the person was stoned? Marijuana just isn’t that kind of drug.
This ACCIDENT happened almost eight years ago. Why can’t the Press let the past die? Why can’t they let Hogsed get on with his life? Is it not enough that he must live with the fact that his best friend died by his actions? Does it not matter that he has been trying to get his life in order? I thought that everyone deserved a second chance.
The Press has only brought back deep and hurtful memories not only for Hogsed, but to the family of the victim. Everyone makes mistakes, some just happen to be more costly than others.
Secondly, one of the main questions in this article in bold print was: “Why can’t we drive them off the road?” I just wanted to say “Duh, you idiot.”
The answer is that we will always have a problem with people driving drunk because we serve alcohol to anyone who can show a piece of plastic saying they are either 21 years of age or older.
You cannot tell the American public not to drink. It is our right protected under the constitution to consume alcohol. Furthermore, you also can’t tell a human to “only drink one.” Excess is our nature as harmful as it may be. America tried once to make alcohol illegal and all that happened was the formation of mafia-type businesses that produced it anyway. Our society says, “Hey it’s Miller time, but only drink one.”
Also no one ever thought about those power-hungry cops who always assume you are doing something wrong. You can never just be pulled over on the side of the road vomiting because you are sick. They automatically assume that you are drunk. So off to court you go under the rule guilty until proven innocent.
Police officers don’t even have to read you your Miranda rights in this situation. In most cases, they don’t even offer the breathalyzer test the taxpayers of Tennessee paid so much for. I bet you didn’t know either that the cops also have a booklet that guides them through step-by-step instructions on how to operate the test. Do they use them?
Also contained in the article was a list of recent charges that are pending in Washington County court. In that list there were numbers of fifth- and sixth-time DUI offenders. Why do we even have fifth- and sixth-time offenders?
It is not the fault of the lawyers, for they were only doing the job they were paid mega bucks for. The problem lies with the judges and the cops.
A police officer should know the procedure so well that he should never mess up a case involving a DUI. They have too many tools in their hands to aid in assistance of charging someone with a DUI.
The cop should also have an immense source of common sense and base his or her decisions on a case-by-case basis. Their job description is to “serve and protect” not to pass out as many charges as they can.
Many factors are required to determine whether or not a person is actually intoxicated. I have learned through Responsible Service of Alcohol classes that a man and woman of the same size can drink the same amount of alcohol and one can be intoxicated while the other is not. Intoxication is a personal thing. I know many people who can sit and drink 12 beers and walk a straight line and show no side effects. Then again, we’ve all had a “cheap date” who can have one drink and hit the floor.
I am not advocating drunk driving. Five of my best friends died because they got behind the wheel after getting smashed. It is wrong, it kills and it is illegal.
I just find it humorous that we have so many DUI charges in our region. Either Johnson City is nothing but a town full of drunks, or the cops are standing on the street passing out DUIs like pamphlets.
We cannot be so stupid after it has been beat into our heads and shoved down our throats not to drink and drive. If you are that stupid it needs to be tattooed on your forehead so when you come to the bar that I am working behind, I will immediately know not to serve you any alcohol.
