ETSU’s Center for Adult Programs and Commuting Student Services is gearing up for the second annual Classic Car show to be held Tuesday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on the Pedestrian Mall.
CAPS is inviting any faculty, staff and students to enter their cars in the show.
Unlike last year’s exhibit, which featured only classic cars, this year’s show will showcase new cars, too.
The popularity of customizing new cars, spurred by the movie The Fast and The Furious, has added a bit of flare to this year’s festivities.
Maggie Smith, a graduate assistant in the CAPS office, says the addition of the customized cars to the event has encouraged more people to enter the show.
Everyone who attends will have a chance to participate in the show.
“We will be handing out ballots so spectators can vote for their favorite car,” Smith said.
In a way, this show is its own vehicle.
It is a chance for commuter students to stop in and get to know one another. Smith said there will be seven to eight booths set up to let commuter students know about campus services.
Smith says Public Safety will be at the show with a helmet that stimulates walking on a straight line. ETSU’s Financial Aid department, the Counseling Center, and the psychology department are among those who will be on hand to inform commuting students about campus services.
