ETSU is enabling students to “live diversity” through the International Living and Learning Community (ILLC), which began a few weeks ago and will continue through the 2002-2003 academic year.
The offices of International Affairs and Housing and Residence Life have teamed up together to develop a program that allows American students to live with international students. The 12 students who are currently participating in the experience share their living space in Lucille Clement residence hall.
ILLC gives students the opportunity to connect academic knowledge to day-to-day living experiences, become more knowledgeable and aware of diversity issues on campus and within the surrounding community and develop a global perspective.
“It’s a wonderful opportunity, which goes both ways, for students to be exposed to different cultures,” said Maria Costa, associate director of International Programs.
Berend Reuder, a student from Holland who is participating in the program said, “Generally, what ILLC is about is getting to know the American approach to college and foreign politics.” It is a catch-up course about the American lifestyle in a short amount of time.”
Reuder is enjoying his stay in America this semester thanks to his roommate, Frank Perkins. “The most important part of ILLC is learning what the other person’s aspect on life is,” Perkins said.
Perkins also said that nothing has really surprised him about living with an international student, because he has had the experience of being an exchange student in Germany and is familiar with the process.
ILLC welcomes men and women of all academic classifications and is still accepting applications. Participants are chosen based on their application and personal interview.
Students should expect to commit to fall and spring enrollment and a housing contract, participate in self-governance and leadership of the international community, as well as discuss the “living diversity” experience on and off campus, and assist with recruitment efforts and program development.
Costa said that ILLC gives two people from different countries a chance to share the academic and learning aspects of college life, which results in a rewarding experience for students.
For more information, contact the office of International Programs at 439-7737.
