In this current war on terrorism that we are fighting our next step is to obviously enter combat in the Middle East. Particularly the concern is Iraq among other rogue states in the Middle East.
The real problem for President Bush and our allies is not the case to enter Iraq or any other terrorist state but the United Nations which is so easily used as a pawn in this war on terrorism
The United Nations is believed by some to be a “panacea” for the world’s problems. It’s actually a logical belief that if all nations in the world unite to do good, that good will automatically result. That would be the case if all nations had the same beliefs and standards.
If you take a look at the member states of the United Nations, it may seem apparent that not only are some nations standards not what they should be, but the United States ends up footing the bill for everything.
Margaret Thatcher, the former prime minister of Great Britain, explains in her recent book, StateCraft, that the United Nations is nothing but a burden upon the United States.
She explains that America always pays the bulk of the funds but yet gets a lashing when they fail to comply with a United Nations resolution, which hardly ever happens.
Have you looked at how many times since 1991 Iraq has failed to comply with a U.N. resolution? The Washington Times reported on Tuesday Iraq failed to comply 16 times. The United Nations is not a military power so therefore they are unable to enforce any of their rules. Whereas the United States is capable and willing to enforce such measures.
The United States is fighting this war not for pleasure but to eradicate this world and especially our homeland of terrorists.
Take a look at the United Nations’ top goals which include combating aids, eliminating poverty and hunger and promoting gender equality, and see that none of this is possible without the monetary and military power of the United States.
We sow a great harvest but reap little for it. For our dollars spent elsewhere we are deemed the “great satan” by many states we feed.
Saddam Hussein, when unable to leap out of hot water, simply tells the United Nations that he will let in weapon inspectors.
Hussein’s plan is to keep us at bay as long as it is politically possible.
He uses the United Nations as his pawn along with the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
Remember that Hussein is providing funds to the families of the suicide bombers. It’s no coincidence that the conflict heats up between Israel and Palestine when we are putting pressure on Iraq.
President Bush needs to bypass the United Nations and yield only to his convictions of honor and good sense.
The United Nations should be made to be a nation building entity instead of a world policing unit.
If the United Nations wants to accomplish its goals it needs to give the United States the freedom to act without restraint.
