Dear Editor:In response to the article about the abuse of animals in circuses, I would like to take this moment to enlighten the writer about some misinformation she ignorantly proclaimed to all of ETSU. I, personally, do not defend harming animals. I never would. But being from Erwin, I find it my duty to defend my hometown when it has been slandered.
These accusations occurred over 80 years ago when “an eye for an eye” was still found logical for the majority.
The elephant, Mary, only killed one individual, her trainer. Sure, it is likely that in the rush to leave the circus, a child may have been pushed or fallen down, however, Mary never killed any children. Also, the animal was mad.
I’m sure the writer would not go as far as to say that a mad animal should be spared even though it could mean the death or injury of a human being. There were also other suggestions then just hanging the animal from a “damn crane.”
But, it being the 1920s, there weren’t any kind of lethal injections in the (so described) heartless, heathen back country of Erwin to give the animal a proper execution.
So, yes, the Mary was hung from a railroad crane. And, if it makes you feel any better about the situation, she was given a proper burial and she even has a marker for her grave. We even have an antique store named after her, it is called The Hanging Elephant, located right on Main Street, you can’t miss it.
I’m sure when writing your column you make the best efforts to research your topic a little and have some idea of what you are writing about.
If you do choose to slander a town and give it the reputation of the guiltless murderers of innocent animals, at least know your facts on the situation and do not distort them.

Heather Greene
