There has been a lot of controversy lately about a methadone clinic that wishes to open its doors in Johnson City.
Methadone is basically synthetic (scientist’s concoction) heroin. It is used to help get heroin addicts off heroin. It is also used to help those with addictions to pain killers like morphine or Lortab. The clinic is completely for those who seek out treatment for addictions of this nature.
Clients of the clinics visit daily, at first, and then graduate to smaller and less frequent doses. The process is to slowly ween the addict off the drug without letting them go through harmful and potentially fatal withdrawals. Basically they give you a legal drug in place of an illegal one. Methadone is not yet proven to “cure” addiction to drugs.
The party against this clinic argues that it will only bring problems and drug addicts.
I would only say they are trying to ignore that we do have a problem with prescription drugs and needle dope in this area.
The war on drugs isn’t just in California or New York City but right in our backyard. Addiction and drug use happens to people we are close to and people we don’t even know.
Since this clinic is on a voluntary basis, why should they deny those people who wish to change their lives a chance to do so without the drive to other states? Of course, you will always have those who will go just to stay high with no intentions of trying to recover. That’s just in-evitable.
Another argument of those against the issue is where they are planning to locate the clinic. A previous location was less than four blocks from an elementary school.
“I’m just afraid for the safety of my child,” said Tammy Arney who lives on the same street as the school. Her 7-year-old son also attends the school. “They prosecute people who are even near a school with drugs and now they want to open a clinic that issues drugs right down the road from one.”
Those who are supporting the methadone clinic say it will bring help to many people. They also argue that there will be less death due to overdose because a doctor can control the amount of methadone a client receives.
Also, as an added precaution, drug screening is practiced at the clinic. If you are found to have any other drugs in your system while on the methadone program, you are cut off and kicked to the curb. In other words, they also argue it keeps you off other drugs.
What drugs are more harmful than heroin or even a synthetic derivative of the same drug? Methadone is heroin only made by someone who is licensed to make it.
“It definitely saves money,” said an anonymous female under the methadone treatment who wished to keep her name secret for the fear her friends will find out she has it and try to buy it.
“It’s like comparing $200 a day to $11 a day. It’s a lot cheaper for you to just see a doctor than drive around all day looking for it,” she said.
I think the methadone clinic should be allowed to open in our region. It will help those who wish to be helped and maybe control the trafficking of prescription drugs and other harmful substances.
It might even prevent some of the area drug stores from being robbed. In all the incidents lately with drug store robberies the assailants have demanded the pain killers Oxycontin. Methadone clinics treat this addiction too.
I don’t think it should be anywhere near a school for obvious reasons. I’m sure they can find a better location.
As for those who will abuse this clinic, and it will happen, I hope that they can find a little spark in their heart to actually try to recover from the illness of addiction so that others will not have to suffer the consequences of their actions.
The philosopher John Stuart Mill wrote “Do what you believe as long as you don’t hurt anyone else in the process.”
If you think you need help, seek it. If you want to get high at the hands of a doctor, just don’t screw it up for those who have are trying to recover.
