A new level of student involvement in the university disciplinary process has been initiated by the Tennessee Board of Regents.
Derrick Whitson, former SGA president and student regent on the TBR last year began a process that will allow student input into the making and changing of disciplinary procedures for TBR colleges and universities.
Each year, TBR schools submit any changes they have in their disciplinary procedures to the TBR for review and approval.
Previously, students had little or no input into the process of making or altering disciplinary procedures, however, the new TBR policy will mandate student involvement in the process of creating the rules.
“It will be a statewide process making the rule a little more open to students. This will provide opportunity for feedback by the student body,” said Dr. Steve Bader, senior associate vice president for Student Affairs.
The initiative involves multiple periods during which student suggestions and concerns will be taken, and calls for a committee to be formed to look at such suggestions if there is need.
“If there is any significant response [to a rule change] then the committee will be convened,” Bader said.
Student will be able to express their opinions before any proposed disciplinary policy changes go to the TBR.
Also, after the TBR approves any changes, students will again be able to express concern before the changes go on to the state government for approval.
Bader said that this policy came out of Whitson’s desire for the students to have a voice in the making of such procedures.
“I think Derrick was concerned that there be student input,” Bader said.
