Dear Editor:The current behavior in our SGA is disgraceful. But, then again, when has SGA ever handled anything with grace? And I think that is what upsets me the most.
It is hardly even a month into the new administration, and already we are hearing talk of impeachment of the president and impropriety on the part of our president and vice president. This is an insult to the character of Jennifer Berry and Aaron Caton and to the students of ETSU.
Both Jennifer and Aaron are fine, outstanding individuals who seek only to better the ETSU community and I can only think of two reasons for wanting to tear them down – selfish ambition and personal agenda.
This type of blatant politicking is repugnant should be decried by all those who value civility and fair play, for more than likely, the same senators will be running for office in the future.
Teach them a lesson about common decency; email you college’s senators and tell them you don’t appreciate this kind of maneuvering – or better yet, attend the SGA meetings in person.
And what will happen if you senators get your way? Nothing constructive!
Your precious SGA is turned into a lame-duck session with business as usual.
What happened to representing the interests of your constituents? Or has that flown out the window as well? For as far as I can tell, the only interests you are representing, senators, are your own. What will happen if you get your way?
The SGA does nothing, the student organizations have the prospect of losing their 606 funding, the possibility of a special election that has the potential of ripping ETSU apart, and I will only become more cynical about the workings of government.
In closing, I would like to apologize to the handful of senators who are doing their jobs and are trying to represent their constituents to the best of their abilities.
I never meant to lump you in with these power-hungry tyrants. If this has offended you, I am deeply sorry.

Joseph Taylor
