“It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” he sings as he is dancing around the living room floor looking for the television remote. Is my husband looking for the It’s A Wonderful Life Christmas special? Nope, he is simply channel surfing looking for the first football game of the season.
What could possibly be better than watching your husband dance around the living room in pajamas singing Christmas carols? Watching him hop up and down on the couch screaming and yelling at the television.
After only two months of being married it is amazing what you will learn about a person. A good sense of humor is one of his most attractive traits.
I just had no idea how much more he would make me laugh after we were married. All the gloves are off, and the unknown is revealed. I really had no idea married life would be this much fun.
I must say in the last two months I have learned more about football than I ever cared to know. I can tell you the names of players, coaches, announcers, stadiums, stats and more. Anytime I want to make my husband’s face light up, I simply say, “Aren’t they going to start Marcus Vick this week in the Virginia Tech game?” His mouth drops and he looks as though he could shed tears, so proud his wife knows what’s going on with the Hokies! (Gobble Gobble!)
If I knew that was all it took to impress him, I would have learned the player’s names when we met three years ago.
Growing up I never had the luxuries of having brothers. It was simply my mother, sister, my female dog, and me – oh, and my dad too. (Poor guy!)
He is more excited than anyone to have a son-in-law, especially one who adores football the way he does. But, growing up my father never really had the patience to explain the game to me and I never really had the interest to learn. So coming into my marriage I knew I wanted to somehow share in the things my husband loves, as he is so kind to do the same in return. He has sat through countless hours of classic Audrey Hepburn movies and trips to the Barter Theatre. How could I not want to return the favor?
A few weeks ago, we went together to the Virginia Tech v. LSU game in Blacksburg. (Have you noticed yet who his favorite team is?)
Consequently, there is an ongoing rivalry between my father, the diehard Rocky Top Tennessee fan and my husband the Hokie-lover. But that, I am afraid, is a whole other article.
After last week’s game, I realized how simple it actually is to make a marriage work, mine at least anyway. Taking care to notice one another and take part in what each other loves, even if it is not your cup of tea, is such an easy way to not only spend time with the one you love, but to make them happy as well.
As the preacher who married us said, the easiest way to feel love, is to give it.
