Dear Editor:While reading through a recent edition of the East Tennessean, I came across a letter from a student by the name of Joseph Taylor.
In the letter Mr. Taylor spoke of the behavior of members of the SGA. I agree with Mr. Taylor, the behavior is disgraceful. However, I do not agree with him as to the source of the disgrace.
In his letter, he suggested that the senators who are bringing talks and charges of impeachment against current members of the SGA Executive Branch should consider the students of the university.
The senators are considering the students, that is why they are bringing charges. The SGA Code of Laws sets guidelines for the appropriation of 606 funds.
Those laws were violated, and it is in best interest of ETSU students that these violations are made known and corrected. That is what these senators are doing. They are making the SGA follow its own laws so that the allocation of funds will be fair to all.

Abby L. Morris
