Dear Editor:Tom Scheve’s article suggested that the United States take a more aggressive stance in the war on terrorism. In fact it suggested we “get on a crazy train,” turn the capitol building into a giant missile to destroy our enemies, dismember “O.B. Laden” in effigy and support our federal officials carrying M-16’s and wearing human-ear necklaces.
Tom Scheve probably think that’s funny.
The article said his motivation was “American Pride” and “Patriotism.” I don’t feel I’m in any position to say he is stupid, but I can and will say he is ignorant – he just doesn’t know any better.
The article joked about ruthlessly killing all of America’s enemies when in fact it is Tom’s way of thinking that is the very specter we aim to destroy. He said he would have all our enemies killed out of “American Pride,” the suicide bomber kills for the same reason – violent attachment to an idea.
War is an extension of politics by which one force seeks to violently impose its will upon another.
The article talked of killing men, but that will never win this war. The war on terrorism is a global war on ideas; we (the citizens of the world) have to kill a violent way of thinking.
If ever there was a war that can’t be won, perhaps it is this one because, if we think like Tom suggests, eventually we are the enemy.
The article joked about piling bodies to the sky. Each one of those bodies had a mother – just like us. Each one of those bodies was raised in an environment of ideas – just like us. Each one of those bodies attached themselves violently to some of those ideas – just like Tom. When he talks about piling bodies in the sky, he’s a fool if he thinks they will all belong to “the enemy.” Everybody loses in war.
The article talked about patriotism and Tom might think I’m attacking it; negative. I love this country as well, and when he talks about sending “our armed sons and daughters” into harm’s way, he is talking about me.
I’m a Marine in reserve, a machine gunner, and when the call comes down I’m going. I might kill. I might be killed. But I’ll sure as hell show up, and the whole time we’re killing each other there’ll be someone like Tom on both sides ignorantly spurning both sides on until eventually, some day, we blow the whole thing.
I’m an American, but first I’m a human being and so is Tom. I would only ask that he and everyone else remember that rational evaluation, compromise and consensus are infinitely more valuable than bullets and bombs, death and destruction.

Kobelah Bennah
