Nick Andes is a criminal justice major and a member of ETSU’s ROTC.
Andes said he has wanted to be in the Army since he was in high school. He is proud of the hard, physical work he put forth to get into the ROTC.
Andes said he has always wanted to serve his country.
“I have a lot of pride in this country and the Army is one way to show that.”
“I came into the ROTC with good moral values and the Army really hammers home good values. Being around people that love what they do and love their jobs makes you want to be the best you can be.
“A lot of people aren’t military minded, but things like the ROTC will help you realize it’s about team and about family. The confidence you get from ROTC is unbelievable,” Andes said.
The camaraderie level is “deep, very deep,” he said. “We’d die trying to save each others lives.”
Numerous training activities, exercises and camps forge friendships and build skills for the cadets.
“We have a lot of fun,” Andes said. “You have to try hard and work hard. But it’s a lot of fun.”
The financial rewards are good, Andes said. “No football scholarship can match what the Army will give you.”
Andes’s future is with the Army. He plans to be in the National Guard and perhaps on active duty.
Andes also wants to attend some specialized schools to further build his skill level.
Of his ROTC experience at ETSU, Andes said. “This is a build-up for what lies ahead.
