Why does our region put so much of our funds into the football programs?
In my home town only 30 minutes away, the funding for the music and theatre programs has been cut leaving these activities forced to make themselves only “clubs” instead of giving them the title of an actual class. The money they saved was put into the football program. This is an outrage.
No wonder our kids cannot formulate sentences and do not even know who Picasso was.
My high school football team really sucks as they always have. Putting more money into the program doesn’t help the fact that our town isn’t even in the running to win a football game this season much less put our team on the map. My little brother plays on the team and I have already warned him of his ill fate. I never ask him if they won because I figure he will tell me if they win.
Our drama class won numerous awards and extra funding from the state because of our plays and public service. I guess no one cares. It is no longer in existence. It was reduced to only a drama “club.”
Do they not understand the arts are also a major part of life? The arts teach you to display emotions, evoke feelings and let you release built-up energy that might have otherwise resulted in a murder. Do they care?
Not only has this really got me thinking about the emphasis of football on our culture but I have also learned that ETSU football players stay in a hotel on Friday nights before “home” games. So being the reporter I am, I called the football coach Paul Hamilton to ask just who pays for this.
I was ecstatic to learn that the funds for the hotel are “not” paid for by the university but by an outside organization called the Grid Iron Club. This club thought that it would be beneficial to the players to be together before games. Many major football organizations like The Citadel have been practicing this for years. It keeps the players focused. (Thank you Coach Hamilton for answering my question so completely).
Not only do the funds for the hotel come from outside the program the whole team actually works the races in Bristol to get extra money for things they need.
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE football. I love the sheer brutality of it. If I was a man I would be on any football team that would have me. I don my best orange every Saturday and cheer on my team.
What is happening with the funding is not fair to the children not only in my hometown, but all across the nation. We should support the arts just as much as we support our favorite teams.
This is actually one time I can say that ETSU is on the right track. I salute you football players and coaches. You are true go-getters. I hope other schools having trouble with funding adopt the practices you have.
